Still Believe Common Tech Myths?

In today’s digital age, technology plays a significant role in our lives. But along with the rapid advancements and innovations, several…

10 Tech Tips for Small Businesses

What would you do if your business suffered a ransomware attack tomorrow? Do you have a contingency plan in case of…

How to Secure Your Home Network

In today’s world, technology is ubiquitous, and connectivity is a must. Securing your home network has become more critical than ever….

App Fatigue Causes Security Issues

The number of apps and web tools that employees use on a regular basis continues to increase. Most departments have about…


Everyday Sources Of Identity Theft

You wouldn’t think a child’s toy could lead to a breach of your personal data. But this happens all the time….

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Teams Virtual Appointments Guide

Scheduling appointments is a common activity. Salespeople often set up virtual appointments to answer questions about a product. Software companies allow…


Data Privacy Updates: 6 Tips

Once data began going digital, authorities realized a need to protect it. Thus, the creation of data privacy rules and regulations…

Windows 8.1 Just Lost All Support!

We’ve discussed the shortcomings of Windows 8 in the past, and more broadly about how every 2nd Windows OS version seems…

6 Steps to Manage Vulnerabilities

An unfortunate side-effect of innovation is vulnerabilities in our technology. When software companies push new updates, there are often weaknesses in…

Is That Email Really From The CEO… or Is It a Scam?

Imagine you’re going about your day as usual, when suddenly you receive a text from the CEO. The head of the…